Friday07 February 2025

FIЇNKA: They can't occupy us or take us away; it's simply impossible.

In an interview with RBK-Ukraine, singer FIЇNKA discussed the National Selection for Eurovision, the influence of song lyrics on Russification, language controversies, and Ukrainian identity. She also shared insights about her relationship with her husband, the challenges artists face with bookings, and her approach to raising her son.
FIЇNKA: Нас невозможно захватить или отобрать, это просто невозможно.

In an interview with RBK-Ukraine, singer FIЇNKA discussed the National Selection for Eurovision, the Russification through songs, language scandals and Ukrainization, her relationship with her husband, protection for artists, and raising her son.

Irina Vykhovanets is a singer who celebrates the culture of Hutsulshchyna. She participated in the National Selection for Eurovision 2023 with the song "Dovbush" and has now become the 10th finalist based on the voting results. In 2025, the star hopes to represent our country at the song contest with her song "Kultura".

RBK-Ukraine asked FIЇNKA about her collaboration with Tina Karol, her song in the current National Selection, her views on the Russian language, and her thoughts on scandals involving new artists.

– Your stage name is FIЇNKA. Why did you choose it, and what meanings do you associate with it?

– Fiinka is a dialectical Hutsul word. It means "godchild" in the Hutsul dialect. When I visited the Kosiv district, where my family is from and where my Hutsul roots are, my godfather called me Fiinka. I was used to being greeted with "oh, Fiinka has arrived." It feels very familiar to me, so I didn’t have to think long about a pseudonym. "Hutsuliya" and "FIЇNKA" are very symbolic for me.

– This is your second time participating in the National Selection. How do you evaluate the results of last year's winners, the group TVORCHI?

I always say that I don’t judge the winners because we don’t know their background. Moreover, they have participated in the National Selection for the second time and gained experience. It's great that they won. Everyone expected them to win, so it seemed inevitable.

– What message are you preparing for the world right now? It’s no secret that Eurovision is a huge platform where we can convey something.

– I carry a very important message, but we must not forget something else. Besides the fact that the world will be watching us, we must remind people in our own country of what’s important. Because even those who may not be interested in Eurovision will hear about it. Your messages and songs will resonate primarily with Ukrainians.

I want to remind them that we need to unite and hold onto what is ours. I have an important slogan: "Sviy do svogo po svoye." These words were once a slogan for Ukrainian nationalists. And now it’s a call for Ukrainian businesses and people to unite to create what is theirs and to preserve traditions and culture.

And when we get through all of this, I will remind everyone here, and if I succeed in representing Ukraine in Europe, I want to convey this to them. That we are so cool, we are such a strong nation because we know how to unite, and that’s why our culture is alive today. I want our culture to be heard. Ukrainian culture exists. We are not somewhere out there, we are not nobody, we are not without roots or kin, we cannot be occupied and taken away, that’s impossible. Because we still value what is ours, and we have it. That’s what I want to convey.

– Your song "Kultura" has already gone viral, but you have been accused of plagiarism. What would you like to say to those who spread such accusations?

– They don’t even realize that they are actually boosting views even more because people are curious to check it out. For me, it was a surprise; initially, I perceived it as a bit of a meme. Because there are often such reviews, not just for Eurovision songs. There are even special channels that search for plagiarism.

As for this song in the National Selection, everyone started shouting about disqualification. But thanks to Tina Karol, she supported me, got involved, and set everything straight.

– Tina wrote that she might know who is behind this so-called campaign. Do you know anything about that?

– No, I don’t know. And if I did, my "Hutsul bots" would have already gone to sort it out (laughs). We can only speculate. I think it’s more likely those who also wanted to make it to the finals, those who were next in line after me in the voting. But I can’t say for sure. Maybe one day Tina Karol will tell us, but I think we will never find out who it is.

– Speaking of "Hutsul bots," which have become a meme, some tried to insult you by mentioning "bots," given that you won by a large margin. How do you feel about your achievements being diminished?

– It’s very unpleasant because in these two years after the National Selection, I haven’t just sat around waiting for some divine blessing to come down so I could write a song for another National Selection. I was working, writing songs, giving concerts, and sharing my music and creativity with people. Consequently, I gathered a specific fan base of great people. And now they supported me, which is all natural.

I simply did what everyone else could do. I used all platforms to remind people to vote in "Dii." We shot a bunch of videos; it’s all very simple. We have TikTok, we have Instagram, I was practically burning my eyes out looking at my phone. But it’s easier for everyone to say that we bought something or forged votes.

– Did Karol write you anything in personal messages after she supported you publicly?

No, she didn’t message me personally, but she sent an email saying she believes in me and wrote: "Come on, try to get through; you have a very good song, very good chances, I believe in you, connect Hutsulshchyna." That has become very symbolic now with these "Hutsul bots." I think she probably communicated with all the participants and wrote such letters. But I don’t know; I won’t assert that. It was very nice to receive her message; she knows how to write beautifully, formulate thoughts, and inspire.

FIЇNKA spoke about Tina Karol (photo provided by the singer)

– This is Tina's first time as a producer for the National Selection, and you have something to compare it to. Is there a difference between the National Selection with Dmytro Shurov and what it is now?

– There are more requirements now. I feel that Tina is more meticulous. But everyone has their own taste. They are completely different people with absolutely different approaches. But I can’t compare because there has only been one audition when I interacted with Tina in person.

And she is so concerned about everything. She wants us to feel comfortable, to be well, warm, and not forget anything, and to remind us of everything. In principle, Dmytro also cared for us. But I’m saying they are different people with different approaches. I will be able to give an evaluation later.

– There are many rumors that Tina is very strict and even somewhat tyrannical in her creativity and demands for creating new projects. Have you heard such things, and were you afraid she would be strict?

– To be honest, I’m even ready for that; it makes it more comfortable for me to work. I don’t like it when everything is done hastily, just to get it done. I prefer clarity in work so that we know what we are doing and what we are tackling. If she sets specific goals and tasks, then that would be great; everything will get done faster. Especially since everything is in Kyiv, and I’m in Ivano-Frankivsk, so when I come, there will be little time. Therefore, if Tina is strict, then we will get along. But she is so nice and cheerful; everything was fine.

– Tell us about your song. What is "Kultura" about, why that title, and what did you put into it?

– It’s a very interesting story. I didn’t know if I would try for the National Selection. But when this song was created, I thought it should be for Eurovision; I had to try. It all started when I accidentally found a lyzhnyk. A lyzhnyk is a symbolic thing for Hutsuls; it’s like a carpet woven from sheep’s wool. It has been in Hutsulshchyna for centuries, and it has both sacred and ritual significance. On the lyzhnyk I saw at a guest's house, there was a label that said "Hutsulshchyna." I googled it.

It turned out that this production emerged during the Polish occupation when they wanted nothing to be produced or created from our Ukrainian heritage. But Hutsuls united under the slogan "Sviy do svogo po svoye" to create these products and preserve their culture. When