Friday03 January 2025

Nikolai Tomenko: "How the 'servants of the people and Medvedchuk-Putin' prepared Ukrainian villages for the military winter."

Nikolai Tomenko shares this on his Facebook page. We present the author's words without any editorial comments.
Николай Томенко: "Как украинское село готовили к зиме в условиях войны под руководством «слуг народа и Медведчука-Путина."

When news broke yesterday about the passage of the Law on Responsibility for the Illegal STORAGE of timber without documentation, I initially thought it was a joke. However, it turned out that the law was indeed passed, and it stipulates that the penalties for STORAGE, as well as for transportation and sale without documents confirming the legal origin of trees, shrubs, or timber, are the same:

fines ranging from 34 thousand hryvnias to 5-7 years of imprisonment.

The initiators of the PROTECTION OF WOOD from Peasants are a group of "patriotic deputies" and, so to speak, the finest individuals from "Servant of the People": from the well-known for his "customs honesty" Pavlyuk to the supporter of the "Russian world" Buzhansky and the "tax genius" Hetmantsev.

Who helped the 193 deputies of the "Servant of the People" gather 226 votes for this unique decision regarding the energy security of Ukrainians during what the authorities like to call the most challenging winter?

Of course, it was primarily their parliamentary colleagues from the banned OPZZH, who just yesterday were praying to Putin and Kirill. Traditionally, a helping hand was extended to the ruling majority faction by 25 deputies from the banned OPZZH, led by Levotsky and Surkis. Businessmen-philanthropists from the "For the Future" and "Trust" groups also joined in. Unlike the residents of frontline areas in Kharkiv, Sumy, Kherson, Zaporizhia, and Chernihiv, they have no problems with heating and electricity in their villas in France, Italy, Spain, Cyprus…

Let me remind you that I was once the initiator and co-author of the Law prohibiting the export of round timber abroad and experienced the full informational influence of the friendly "timber mafia" towards the then-government. Therefore, I am convinced that deputies should have fought against mass deforestation under the protection of city authorities and with the assistance of officials from the State Agency of Forest Resources, and under the guise of front-line aid, rather than against ordinary peasants.

Moreover, considering the unpredictable winter, it would have been wise to allow and organize FREE collection of DRY BRANCHES, which clutter our forests and forest belts, for people's own needs.


By the way, I continue to await somewhat different military decisions from the deputies regarding:

  • the refusal of 890 million for 2025 for their party advertising;
  • the optimization of planned expenditures of 3 billion and more than 102 million for the activities of the Verkhovna Rada;
  • the reduction of expenditures on tax officials, BEB officers, and other controllers of small and medium-sized businesses that are barely surviving;
  • the establishment of a common rule for pension calculation for judges;
  • the regulation of military salaries for EVERYONE: from members of Supervisory Boards to heads of OTGs and state structure staff…