Police in Kharkiv have completed a pre-trial investigation against a suspect who was in possession of psychotropic substances.
This information was reported by the communication department of the Main Department of the National Police in the Kharkiv region, as conveyed by "Dumka".
According to the police, on December 9, officers seized a package containing an unknown substance from a 47-year-old individual on Klochekivska Street.
Experts determined that the package contained the psychotropic substance "PVP".
Kharkiv investigators have already informed the suspect of his charges under part 1 of Article 309 (illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, or mailing of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, or their analogs without the intent to sell) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The indictment has been sent to court.
The penalty for this article provides for a maximum punishment of up to 5 years of restriction of freedom.