Friday07 February 2025

The State Environmental Inspection reported illegal fishing activities in the Sulinsky Nature Reserve.

This information is provided by the State Environmental Inspection of the Central District.
Госэкоинспекция обнаружила незаконный вылов рыбы в заказнике Сулин.

On October 26, 2024, inspectors from the State Environmental Inspection of the Central District, in collaboration with the Water Police Sector of the Kremenchuk District Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine in Poltava Oblast and the Poltava Department of Internal Affairs, discovered a vessel within the territory of the national landscape reserve "Sulinsky," which was engaged in industrial fishing using nets measuring a total length of 140 meters, in which freshly caught fish of various species were recorded.

An investigative operational group was summoned to the scene to document and establish all circumstances surrounding the violation. The vessel, nets, and fish were confiscated.

The estimated damage to the environment exceeds two hundred thousand hryvnias.

Additionally, prohibited fishing gear was seized from the Sulinsky reservoir, specifically 16 gill nets with a total length of about 1 kilometer, containing various aquatic biological resources.

According to the legislation, the aquatic living biological resources found in the nets and showing signs of life were returned to their natural habitat.

Considering the significant harm caused, all materials have been forwarded to law enforcement agencies.

The State Environmental Inspection of the Central District, along with the Water Police of the National Police in Poltava Oblast, will continue to implement enhanced measures to ensure compliance with environmental legislation in the territories of Poltava and Cherkasy Oblasts.